*We received a ton of great questions from webinar viewers, but we didn't have time to address all of them live. We have compiled the responses to those questions in the attached document. Check it out and please contact us with any additional questions!*
Date and Time: June 9th, 2021 - 10:00 AM Pacific Time (US)
This webinar features Mark Gainey (co-founder of Strava), Dr. Trisalyn Nelson (founder of Bikemaps.org, Professor & the Jack and Laura Dangermond Endowed Chair of Geography at University of California Santa Barbara), and Jaimy Fischer (Indigenous (Michif) PhD Candidate in the Faculty of Health Sciences at Simon Fraser University). Haynes Bunn, Customer Success Manager from the Strava Metro team will also join for Q&A following the presentations.
Hear from:
• Mark Gainey about why Strava decided to make the Metro data available for communities to use in active transportation planning, and the impact of making this data available for free
• Dr. Trisalyn Nelson and her research focusing on active transportation and the tools she developed for working with the Strava Metro data to map and analyze all ages and abilities of bicyclists
• Jaimy Fischer and her recent work at the Cities, Health, and Active Transportation Research Lab. She discusses using Strava Metro data in her work to investigate how investment in All Ages and Abilities (AAA) bicycle infrastructure impacts ridership, safety, and equity outcomes, and the impact COVID had, and continues to have, on bicycling.